Saturday, December 13, 2008

Index: Background and Reference

Background, backstory, charts and other resources for the universe my original stories and series are set in.

All my stories are set in the same original universe, which has many characters, relationships and pairings. The stories themselves provide some world-building, but if you'd like to know more about what's going on, these links may help.

Notes for the new reader provides a general introduction to the universe.

The list of characters may help you keep people sorted out.

I tried to graph the key relationships between characters - it might just confuse you more, though!

Here is a crude map of Tiran's estate, where many of the stories are set.

If you want to know more about how we got here, you could try the summarized backstory:
This is a recap of what we know about Paul Armstrong and Tom Van Mertz.

A few stories focus on the kids of the main characters, often called the "second generation". This chart may help you keep them straight.

The list of other minor characters is mainly my own tool to track characters who are briefly mentioned.

An Inventory is an optional chapter from Jack Acclimatizes that provides a bit of background on some of the characters from Jack Obernikoch's perspective.

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